Save Your Time - Let me find gluten-free restaurants and bakeries for you!

gluten-free bakery

Gluten-Free Bakeries Do Exist!

Yes, there are gluten-free bakeries where you can go buy any doughnut, cake, cupcake, or baked good you want and be comfortable knowing they are all gluten-free! Yum, right!! It’s actually good there isn’t one close to me otherwise I would be there all the time lol. I found a website online that has this list by state which is extremely helpful and at the least, steers you in the right direction where you can call and ask further questions. You can check out this website by clicking here. Here is a website called, ‘Find Me Gluten-Free’ with search capabilities...


Food Podcasts – Gluten Free!

Did you know there are food podcasts that specifically discuss eating and living gluten-free? Apparently, I have been in a cave somewhere because I wasn’t aware lol. I listen to podcasts a lot, but mostly self-help/motivation/inspirational podcasts. This was great news to hear! So I wanted to share as this helps create communities of people who are going through NCGS or celiac disease. I did a little research and found the most current podcasts on this topic, where they are currently recording new podcasts on a weekly basis so only included those. These range in topics from gluten-free foods, celiac...

trick or treat

Gluten-Free Candy You Can Enjoy This Halloween

It’s Halloween and you need to know, what candy can I eat if I have a gluten intolerance?  Well, you have come to the right place!  Below are some of the best-known gluten-free candy and candy bars available today!  Along with a list of candy that you shouldn’t be eating that contains gluten. If you are interested, click here to see a list of the top candy preferences by state in the United States this Halloween according to  Mars Corporation The first four candy or candy bars listed below are made by the Mars Corporation.  None of the candy/candy...