Eating Gluten-Free at Wendy’s!

Busy Gluten Free

eating gluten-free at Wendy's

Eating gluten-free at Wendy’s can happen! Even at Wendy’s, you can find many gluten-free options! I don’t know about you, but you need a few fast food restaurants when you are out that have gluten-free choices. Wendy’s I find has many options and I love restaurant websites that explain in detail the allergens in their products.

As you can see above, french fries, a strawberry Frosty, and a chili are all gluten-free! Click here to see a breakdown of the ingredients, nutrition, and allergens in their fries for example. They do mention on their website that although there is no gluten in their french fries, they use a fryer that does have other items fried in it that do contain gluten. Now normally this is a problem for someone with celiac disease, but for someone with gluten intolerance, this usually isn’t a problem. You can check out the link above, and decide for yourself if french fries will work with your own situation. They also offer several types of fries: Ghost pepper fries, queso fries, Baconator fries, cheese fries, and chili cheese fries.

About the Frosty, they usually have two varieties, chocolate, and vanilla. They try to adjust for the seasons though and have several other varieties at different times of the year. They have a strawberry Frosty in the summer, a pumpkin spice Frosty in the fall, and a peppermint Frosty in the winter. I’m not sure if they have something different in the spring or not, but I’m there probably at least once a month lol so when I find out I will update this!

Another great option is their salads! My personal favorite is the Cobb salad. They tend to change up their salads as well throughout the year so always check their website or your local restaurant for any new salads added. Currently, they have the following salads:

  • Parmesan Caesar Salad
  • Apple Pecan Salad
  • Taco Salad
  • Cobb Salad
eating gluten-free at Wendy's

Below is a closeup of the ranch dressing, and the package of fried onions that comes with the salad. The ranch dressing is gluten-free, but I’m not sure how many other dressings are gluten-free. The salads usually come with a pre-determined dressing, but you can change it out if you want because they are always in their own packaging. And just like how the dressing is separate, the fried onions are in a separate bag, but these DO contain gluten and say so right on the package. Since they are separate from the salad though, you can give these to a gluten-eating friend of your own!

eating gluten-free at Wendy's

Here is a good idea if you are in the mood for a burger, Wendy’s will give you a burger of any kind without the bun! Just ask for the burger without the bun and they put it in a tray with a lid wrapped in lettuce (or bring your own bun!). My husband eats a keto diet and a lot of times gets a burger this way. Their burgers are just hamburger and salt, but again this would not be something you would want if you have celiac disease as they use the same grills for other items on their menu with gluten.

They also have kid’s meals which include a hamburger meal, cheeseburger meal, and regular and spicy chicken nugget meals. The hamburger and cheeseburger meals you can order without the bun in a lettuce wrap or you can bring your own bun. Unfortunately, the chicken nuggets that Wendy’s offers do have gluten in them so they are off-limits to us. They have sides like seasoned potatoes, apple slices, orange juice, and milk that are gluten-free.

I have a few times ordered a baked potato as well. They can come plain or with butter, or even sour cream and chive, bacon and cheese, chili cheese, or just a plain cheese baked potato.

Lastly, in terms of drinks, they offer different flavors of lemonade, tea, milk, orange juice, pop, and even Frosty Cream Cold Brews for you coffee lovers! They come in plain, chocolate, vanilla, and caramel, and because it is fall, they are offering a pumpkin spice one as well!

Well, I hope that helps give you some more choices while you are out! Wendy’s has a lot more gluten-free options than I initially realized that is for sure. Click here to go to their main website so you can find out more information yourself. Remember, always check and make sure on their website or by asking about the ingredients of the products you are buying just to make sure they haven’t changed the recipe or added gluten in some way that isn’t obvious, but eating gluten-free at Wendy’s is entirely possible!

If you are looking for other gluten-free restaurants, please click here! Enjoy!

Busy Gluten Free


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