Tagged: gluten-free

gluten-free bakery

Gluten-Free Bakeries Do Exist!

Yes, there are gluten-free bakeries where you can go buy any doughnut, cake, cupcake, or baked good you want and be comfortable knowing they are all gluten-free! Yum, right!! It’s actually good there isn’t one close to me otherwise I would be there all the time lol. I found a website online that has this list by state which is extremely helpful and at the least, steers you in the right direction where you can call and ask further questions. You can check out this website by clicking here. Here is a website called, ‘Find Me Gluten-Free’ with search capabilities...

Gluten-Free Coffee Cake, But With No Coffee

I learned something new yesterday…coffee cake doesn’t actually have coffee in it.  It’s called that because it complements coffee so well!  I mean I’ve had coffee cake before but I guess I always assumed it had coffee in it…huh.  Anyway, made a great gluten-free coffee cake with fruit from a recipe right on the back of this box of liveGfree Pancake and Baking Mix that I recently bought at Aldi’s.  Never tried it before, but I saw this recipe on the back of the box and it looked good, so why not! Unfortunately, I don’t see the recipe online anywhere...