A Quick Gluten-Free Meal Your Kids Will Love!

Check out this quick gluten-free meal that your kids will love! Who doesn’t like burgers and fries? Try this version, gluten-free style, using Butterball turkey burgers and Ore-Ida Waffle Fries. You can fix them, however, your kids like their hamburgers, so many variations, and it only takes about 30 minutes to cook. Great for dinner when you don’t have much time in the evening and something that your kids will actually eat!

Now turkey burgers have a history of being very bland and not having much flavor, but these are ‘original seasoned’ which adds a good amount of flavor to the burger which helps. They also come in sweet onion seasoned and natural with no seasoning at all if you prefer that. These are great quick meals for lunch or dinner and are kept frozen in individual packaging so you can just use the amount you want and keep the rest frozen. Click here to learn more about Butterball Turkey Burgers.

Ore-Ida French Fries are a great addition to any meal and a lot of their products are gluten-free including their french fries, tater tots, hash browns, potatoes and peppers, and of course their waffle fries. I can’t say 100% if every Ore-Ida product is gluten-free, but it looks like the majority are and the products I mentioned above, have gluten-free labels on them. I learned something new as well, the name Ore-Ida comes from where they get their potatoes, Oregon and Idaho! Click here for more information on each of their products.
Lastly, I used O’Dough’s Sandwich buns which are the perfect thickness I think, and added ketchup, mustard, relish, avocado, and cheese! Try some Butterball Turkey Burgers and Waffle Fries tonight! Fix them up however you would like depending on how you and your kids like your burgers, the possibilities are endless!
You can pick up O’Doughs at your local grocery store or you can buy some at the Amazon link below (paid link):
For more gluten free meal ideas click here!