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Krusteaz pancake mix

Yum…Gluten-Free Pancakes

Sometimes you just need some pancakes, am I right?? Pancakes just make me feel good and you can still have them eating gluten-free. Try this well-known brand of gluten-free pancakes for instance by Krusteaz: Mixing Ingredients Easy to make, just add water, mix, an egg and some milk (I used almond milk but you could use any kind of milk or even just water to replace it as well). Quick, easy, done in like 10 minutes! Toppings For toppings butter, all-natural maple syrup, honey, whipped cream, powdered sugar or even Hershey’s chocolate syrup like I did (or caramel even!). Give...

Linguine and Meatballs…Gluten-Free Style!

Yes, pasta is possible being gluten-free, in fact, there are a ton of options! I love pasta, almost mourn it sometimes lol…but there are many choices when it comes to gluten-free pasta nowadays as opposed to when I first had to start eating gluten-free 13 years ago. Linguine and Meatballs gluten-free style for instance! Available pasta options are made from food such as corn, vegetables, chickpeas, brown rice, and even multigrain (where they combine different flours into one). Those are just some options but bottom line, check the packaging of each item to make sure it is in fact gluten-free...

Luna Bar

Luna Bars…Lemonzest and Blueberry Bliss

Ever tried Luna bars?? The two I have tried are very good. This is Lemonzest and I also had Blueberry Bliss this week. It’s an oat bar dipped in what seems like yogurt but I don’t think it’s that. Awesome flavor! Give it a try! I am looking for more protein in my diet right now and these fit what I’m looking for. I forgot to stop and take a picture which is why its almost gone For more great gluten-free snack ideas, click here!