Gluten-Free Coffee Cake, But With No Coffee
I learned something new yesterday…coffee cake doesn’t actually have coffee in it. It’s called that because it complements coffee so well! I mean I’ve had coffee cake before but I guess I always assumed it had coffee in it…huh. Anyway, made a great gluten-free coffee cake with fruit from a recipe right on the back of this box of liveGfree Pancake and Baking Mix that I recently bought at Aldi’s. Never tried it before, but I saw this recipe on the back of the box and it looked good, so why not!

Unfortunately, I don’t see the recipe online anywhere that is on the back of the box, so below is a very similar recipe that I did find online for coffee cake with fruit (just replace the Bisquick with this box of LiveGfree Pancake and Baking Mix) and make sure the other ingredients are gluten-free. Below is a picture of the ingredients I used that are gluten-free, sorry though I forgot to put the sugar in the picture lol…

Click here for the similar recipe online mentioned above.
Really easy recipe, took me about 15 minutes to prepare everything. Basically, you are adding everything together, mixing it, and putting most of the batter in a greased (I just use a stick of butter to grease it with) pan and spreading out evenly. Then add the can of fruit pie filling and the remaining batter is put in spoonfuls on top.

Then cook at 375 degrees for about 20-25 minutes and tada!

Lastly, you make the icing and must honestly say, I didn’t know icing was that easy to make! I think it’s good that I never knew how easy it was to make because I would have just made it to eat it…
Basically it is just powdered sugar and milk, stir and that’s it. Perfect icing for the top of the coffee cake.

Drizzle it over the top when the coffee cake is still hot and magic, looks like store bought coffee cake! Super easy and quick. Now my only problem is I have way too much coffee cake and I feel like I need a piece every time I walk into the kitchen….

Try it yourself, you will love this gluten-free coffee cake! Just invite a lot of friends or family over first and of course…make some coffee to go with it!
For more great gluten-free sweets, click here!