Category: Gluten-Free Resources

stomach upset, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free

Dr. Oz Talks About Gluten Sensitivity!

Dr. Oz has a great video I just found that asks the question, “Is gluten making you sick?” It explains what gluten is and how you can be gluten-sensitive and not even know it. This has a lot of revealing information because when I was first trying to figure out what was wrong with me, there really weren’t any places I could go for information, and when I went to the doctor about it, they assumed a lot of the symptoms I was having could be something else. Now in 2023, I know for sure that the brain fog and...


Food Podcasts – Gluten Free!

Did you know there are food podcasts that specifically discuss eating and living gluten-free? Apparently, I have been in a cave somewhere because I wasn’t aware lol. I listen to podcasts a lot, but mostly self-help/motivation/inspirational podcasts. This was great news to hear! So I wanted to share as this helps create communities of people who are going through NCGS or celiac disease. I did a little research and found the most current podcasts on this topic, where they are currently recording new podcasts on a weekly basis so only included those. These range in topics from gluten-free foods, celiac...