Book Review: The Paleo Kids Cookbook

I wanted to review this book, The Paleo Kids Cookbook written by Jennifer Robins because the Paleo Diet is kind of a back-to-the-basics with food that eliminates processed foods and grains and tries to mimic the hunter-gatherer diet of the early cavemen (Paleolithic period). A gluten-free diet can be very similar so I wanted to share this resource if it is something you may be interested in.
This book was written in 2016 so it is several years old but it is very useful I think because it is geared toward kids and when you have kids that need to eat gluten-free, it is hard enough just trying to find options for them that they enjoy. In general, this book is trying to help kids with dietary restrictions feel better about eating which can be very upsetting for children to have to deal with.
Something I particularly look for with cookbooks is simple recipes, not a ton of ingredients, easy, and not time-consuming. This cookbook seems to fit the bill! It also has tons of great pictures which I think really helps when you are deciding what to make and what you may like. It lists at the top of each recipe, what the recipe is free of (gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, etc.) in case you have other allergies/intolerances than being gluten-free.

The Paleo Kids Cookbook has a ton of recipes that children tend to want to eat and is a good option for giving children the freedom to cook their own food and it also lets them know that there are choices out there for them even though they have diet restrictions.
It has recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, dips, sweets, and smoothies, and even has some recipes for making baby food from scratch!
I picked up this cookbook at my local library, but you can buy it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, plus tons of other retailers. Below is a link to this cookbook on Amazon (paid link):
If you would like some more information about the author or other books she has, click here to go to her website Predominantly Paleo.
If you are looking for other great gluten-free cookbooks, click here to go to all our cookbook reviews for more recommendations!